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发布时间:2011-12-03       访问量:



视频《The Crisis of Credit Visualized》(被网友形象的译为“十分钟让你看懂次贷危机/金融危机”)自09年初被引进国内之后,风靡各大视频网站,被无数次浏览、转载和注释。创作者 Jonathan Jarvis以他清晰的思路和形象生动的解读为人们所津津乐道。以下是他对于自己作品的解读:

The Crisis of Credit Visualized distills the economic crisis into a short and simple story by giving it form. It is also argues that designers have the ability to see a complex situation, then turn around and communicate it to others. By giving graphic form to the credit crisis, it becomes comprehensible. Not only do economic activities take shape, but new relationships can emerge between these shapes.

The goal is to give form to the complex financial crisis to enhance the understanding of it. My interest in the project stems from 3 primary reasons: my simple desire to understand it, diagramming work I conducted at UNICEF, and my earlier motion design work. Initially, I researched printed news and spoke with several friends working in investment banks. However, I began turning more and more to audio and video sources for information. These sources contained an editor’s narrative which greatly enhanced my understanding, often by putting the crisis in some sort of larger context. But I still could not find a holistic or concise explanation. 

By Jonathan Jarvis     个人主页 http://jonathanjarvis.com/ 







(2)2011年1月13日讲座:Prof. David Willis:Some Lessons From the Financial Crisis: What We Didn't Learn from Enron

A crisis, so the saying goes, is a terrible thing to waste. What lessons are there that could perhaps protect us from yet another debacle as soon as the dust from this most recent collapse settles? What might we learn from the blind optimism of managers, the arrogance of financiers, the compromising attitudes of accountants, and the negligence of regulators?

选题:08国金2班 熊博 文字编辑:11国会3班 叶雨 责编:夏贤锋