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Intensive Reading of English II


Time:2017-07-06 16:40:30 Clicks:


Course: Intensive English Reading II


Course Code: 12014


Credits: 4


Credit Hours: 64


Teaching Objective of the Course


The course is a compulsory public foundation course of students of our International School. The course is given based on the teaching objective and teaching requirements presented by the Ministry of Education in College English Course: Basic Requirement of Teaching: tocultivate the students have a strong reading ability and the capacity in listening, speaking, writing and translating, to enable them to exchange information in English.  


The teaching objectives of this level pay particular emphasis on improving students' ability to innovate, encourage students to develop their own personality freely,meet the interests and hobbies of students, and the needs of English learning and professional applications, personnel development and employment and cultivate the comprehensive application ability in English, and improve the students' cross-cultural communication ability, and help them pass CET 6, enhance their ability to learn independently, improve the comprehensive cultural quality of students and adapt to the needs of China's social development and international exchanges in a better manner.