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Oral English I


Time:2017-07-06 16:06:15 Clicks:


Course code:12B12




Teaching hours:32


This is an introductory oral English course for freshman students. It will be the students’ first exposure to a foreign teacher in a university setting. It will focus on improving the students’ overall communication skills, but will be taught with a perspective relevant to international business students. It should help them all become better more confident speakers while introducing them to some pertinent business topics.

The objective of this course is to make each student a more polished speaker. It should make the students more confident English speakers.  By the end of the semester the students should be able to understand questions they are being asked as well as the responses they are giving.


Upon completion students should be able to:

1. Speak more confidently.

2. Feel comfortable discussing simple business subjects in English.

3. Understand more difficult questions posed to them in English

4. Understand what makes a good speaker / communicator


Upon completion students should have:

5. Practised their oral and presentation skills.

6. Increased their knowledge in a variety of relevant business topics.

7. Improved their vocabulary and confidence in their speaking abilities.

8. Improved their pronunciation.



1.  Improve the students’ confidence to communicate better verbally.

2.  Make students more comfortable speaking in English

3.  Improve students’ vocabulary and pronunciation.

4.  Students should be able to discuss simple business topics.




60%   participation – includes attendance, participation during class lessons, homework, assignments, presentations etc.

20%    mid-term exam – oral presentation

20%    final exam – oral presentation